Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Are we actually making progress???

On Sunday morning (7am!), I had my day 3 b/w and u/s and they confirmed what I already knew -- I still have four ovarian cysts. The technician, who performed the u/s suggested that at least one cyst appears to be a hemorragic cyst, which may be characteristic of endometriosis. We received a call on Sunday afternoon confirming that my estrogen level was elevated and that we will not be cycling (again) this month (big surprise!) and advised us to wait for a call from the RE or his nurse.

Well by Monday afternoon, we'd received no call. So David and I called and bugged both the RN and the receptionist to the point where they had no choice but to put the RE on the phone . . . himself . . . without an appointment! I was amazed. I must admit that all of the credit goes to David on this, I would have given up and merely scheduled a phone conference with RE at the next available appt time (in 2 weeks!). However, David persisted and persevered.

Anyway, on the impromptu phone conference, RE explained his concerns about the cyst and suggested a laparoscopy with Surgeon A. During the course of the conversation, I inquired about the fibroids and RE's initial response was that it is only 4 cm and based on the size and location he wasn't concerned. After I persisted with my questions (I know that there is more than one fibroid), RE reviewed my medical records and recommended seeing a different surgeon, we'll call him Surgeon B, who has a great new technique for fibroid removal. Unfortunately, a new technique is not so reassuring when its MY BODY we are talking about. Also, even if his fibroid technique is fabulous, how is he on endo and cysts????? Tomorrow we will have an opportunity to have all of our questions answered, David and I meet with Surgeon B to discuss his opinion on my case.

I was interested in getting a second opinion and we were fortunate to get an appt on Friday with a local surgeon (Dr. Terrific), who has performed uterine surgeries on two of my friends. One of my friends (Uber) had Dr. Terrific perform her uterine surgery two years ago and it was a huge success (baby Uber is scheduled to make her debut on July 6th). Both Uber and L (a good friend who had Dr. Terrific perform her lap and remove cysts, polyps, endo) can't stop singing Dr. Terrific's praises.

So here we are. We will meet both doctors this week (and maybe even schedule a consult with a third, I'm not sure yet) and try to schedule the lap as soon as we can. Hopefully, we will be comfortable with one of these doctors and can move forward with the lap.

I am really looking forward to having the best possible chance of conceiving, because up until now, I don't think that my "landscape" was very baby friendly. . . we'll see . . .


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Mellie said...

Yeah for progress! (And I'm thrilled to have found your blog.) The lap seems like a great idea and I'm impressed that you're interviewing surgeons. I bought a playstation 2 to play with during my recovery, so I suggest you plan something equally fun & frivolous as a reward for going thru surgery. Granted, my husband ended up with the best deal - a 3 day weekend (since he accompanied me) and a playstation, plus my pain killing medication (which only made me sick).

At 7:33 PM, Blogger K|nneret said...

I'm glad for your husband's perseverance and that you're moving forward. This is GOOD news. I'm sorry the RE is being a pain. *sigh*. Thinking of you and wishing you much luck at your appointments.


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